Robotics > Case Studies
Grand Tec adheres to the EPSON robotic specifications in order to deliver reliable high-speed, low vibration units, with compact design features. Over the years we have worked to develop non-standard automation equipment, production lines and precision fixture experience, to provide users with innovative production equipment.  This has resulted in high-efficiency, precise, and flexible automation solutions and applications for customers in a wide range of industries.

Companies that are active in the traditional areas of technology, have found that the development of industrial robots have helped streamline many of their tedious and repetitive processes, and our EPSON robotic arms have been used in the creation of electronics, telecommunications equipment, hard disk drives, food production, cosmetics, household items, optics, pharmaceuticals, auto parts, and a variety of production needs.

Epson has over 20 years of experience in robot creation and development, and their robots are a powerful choice for a variety of industries.  We will continue to post case studies here in the future, and would like to hear how our EPSON line has helped you achieve your manufacturing goals.
                                Biopharmaceuticals:                                                                     Test Platform for Mobile Phone Production:
                                 Packaging Applications Devices                                                         Economical and Fexible Modular System Platform
                                   Laboratory:                                                                                             Hard disk production: 
                                       Circular Motion Range                                                                                      Platters Sorting
                                 Electronics assembly:                                                                                  Food industry:
                                        Motor Automatic Assembly                                                     Finished Biscuits Product Handling and Packaging


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